
Wearing suitable clothing and uniform is an important part of preparing students for the world of work and adulthood. We encourage children to take pride in their appearance and to be proud of wearing their School Uniform.
Our school uniform is as follows:
white shirt or polo shirt
black Sweatshirt
black trousers/joggers/shorts/skirt/skort
black Blazer (optional)
purple Tie (optional)
black shoes (or plain black trainers)
Hair & Jewellery:
For safety reasons the following apply:
students with long hair should have a hair band.
only stud earrings are permitted (no hoops, no face piercings etc)
necklaces are not permitted
no extreme hairstyles or colours.
no false nails or gel coatings
students may wear a wristwatch
Sixth Form students are not required to wear uniform.
The dress code for those students is smart/casual.
PE, Swimming & Outdoor Kits
Physical development is an important part of the students' learning. It is important that students are dressed appropriately with suitable clothing for all physical activities so that they can participate safely and comfortably. Students need the following for physical activities...

Students are allowed to wear mufti on Fridays. This needs to be appropriate casual clothing suitable for all learning environments. If clothing is not suitable we will contact parents/carers and request that they bring in suitable clothing. This is part of a student request/voice raised and voted on by 98%, however should your child not want to wear mufti and remain in a form of uniform (some students do( this is absolutely fine as well.
Mufti Fridays